Sunday, October 27, 2013

I am yours

"Who Am I" Casting Crowns
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt?
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart?

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean.
A vapor in the wind.
Still You hear me when I'm calling.
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling.
And You've told me who I am.
I am Yours, I am Yours.

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again?
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me?

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean.
A vapor in the wind.
Still You hear me when I'm calling.
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling.
And You've told me who I am.
I am Yours.

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done.
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are.

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean.
A vapor in the wind.
Still You hear me when I'm calling.
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling.
And You've told me who I am.
I am Yours, I am Yours, I am Yours.

Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cause I am Yours, I am Yours.

I went to a Christian school from preschool all the way to middle school. Every year they would force us to sing a Christian song for our parents one day out of the year during church. I remember in the fourth grade, the song was Who am I? by Casting Crowns. I had no idea what it meant.

Only eight years later would I be able to understand what this song meant. Today during church, the middle school choir sang this song and I was deeply moved. I have been struggling with my identity lately. I have been allowing myself to be defined by standardized test scores, relationships with people, my clothes, the list goes on. Not until now I would be able to see that I am Gods child, I am his. I am significant to him. All this time, I was trying to find satisfaction in this world. The lyrics in the chorus are so apparent to many Christians who are struggling with finding who God is to them. You are his, he wants you, don't struggle with letting him love you because he simply wants you. I wanted everything but him, now I see that the only thing I need is him. I hope this was encouraging. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Honestly, I feel like crap. Past sins have been coming back to me, making me feel disgusting, unlovable, unforgivable, and just making me more frustrated than I should be. I know that God forgives and always loves but I just don't feel like that right now. I see myself and I see someone who just wants attention, love and all the material things this world has to offer. My human body craves these things so much. I feel very distant from God because all I have been doing is just thinking about myself. I want to look like I have it all together when in truth, I'm just a broken mess. I haven't poured my heart out to God in a very long time. It seems that when life gets easier, all I want to do is enjoy the moment and not appreciate that God has brought me out of a trial. I know he is there but there are just those times when I cannot see or understand why I am here.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Your love

So many times in the midst of life, there is nothing to think about but all of my mistakes. All the things that hurt me and all the things that I have done to hurt people. Lately this overwhelming sense of pride has been weighing on my shoulders. I feel as if I want everyone to looks to me and say, "Woah, isn't she so great." But the thing is, I don't want that. Sure, recognition and fame can take someone somewhere but when it comes to Christ who died for me, shouldn't he be the one we all look up to and say, "Woah, isn't HE so great." He deserves that and so much more. There are so many things that I lack but an important one is love. Sounds simple doesn't it, just love more. Then why am I not doing it? I'm pretty sure it is because I am so consumed with myself and my desires that I cannot focus on loving others. Most importantly, loving God. I think now a days, all a blogger wants is followers, comments and love from other people but God is teaching me that all I need is his love. I want that love to spread into the life of anyone who reads this. God loves you and he does not want to hurt you. I want my life to imitate the love that he gave, gives, and will give this world.

This song has been on my heart to share, and just listen to it. It's a good reminder of who I am living for.

Him before me

Love, Hannah 

Monday, July 29, 2013


I know I said I would blog everyday but I have come to see how difficult it is to do so. I want to put out quality in these posts because this is how I can reach out to readers. 

I feel so tired and lost. God has been teaching me so many things about myself but I have forgotten to learn about him. He truly is my everything but there are so many things going on in life that I just feel so overwhelmed. 

I know that God is leading me somewhere but I just do not know where. I just hope I follow...

This is personally one photo that I really love. I took this around Berkeley, not expecting such a mysterious shot. I'm really happy with the turn out though.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Turn me around

I know i haven't blogged in a while. I'm sorry:( Life has gotten the best of me and I have been feeling depressed and anxious. I have been learning a lot about myself but I just haven't been searching for God. I have been loving the things of this world rather than loving God. 

This is a photo that I took a couple months ago. All i want to do is sit with a mug of something, anything really and just sit. I just want to sit, know that God is in control, and relax. It is quite hard but I know that I have to do it. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Trying to stay calm

I have been blessed to work at my church's summer program with kids this year. Lately I have been feeling extremely down and exhausted. I feel like I'm not experienced enough to take care of them and I just want to give up. I think in those times I often forget to depend on God. I think in those times, I truly I have to humble myself to understand that God is my source of strength. 

I really enjoy those moments when these kids are so calm, all they want to do is talk to you. That makes me smile so much because I feel like I am doing something in these kid's lives. 

But there are times when they are CRAZY. I have to raise my voice, something I really hate doing. These are the times when I feel like God is pushing me out of my comfort zone and to grow as a person. 

Five more weeks with these kiddos, hopefully I'll make it out alive. With God, I'm pretty sure I can!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Taking a Detour

So, lets just tell the truth. I have neglected this blog for a bit over a year now and I think that it is time for a change. I want to start something new, something with purpose. My love for photography and documentation has pushed me to create something that I will treasure. I want to start writing in this blog about how God is working in my life. The good, the bad, sad, joyful, and also some of the worst moments. I want to share this with the world because I truly believe that God is working in my life and others. I want to  show my readers that life has purpose in God, I want to share  about my life in photos and descriptions. Don't worry, I'll put in some fashion and fun too! I just want my readers to know that I care and that this is something that will be fun and meaningful too. From this day forward I plan to post one or more photos and describe how God is working in my life.  

Let's start with a jewel, my two older sisters and I. I am extremely thankful to have been blessed with amazing sisters that are there to teach me and help me. Sometimes, tension can arise but I know that because of Gods's love, we still love each other. 

I truly look forward to embarking this journey of blogging. I will learn things and I might receive some criticism or negative views but this blog is for God's glory. 
Thanks for reading, more to come:D